Desi Cow Admin

His Journey From Project Management To Farm Management

Prashant Darshi, software engineer with 15 years of experience, has worked with some of the best companies in the US including Fidelity and Sapient. He grew up in a humble family where cows were an essential part of home and village ecosystem. He always cherished the memories of playing with Ongole cows and their calves …

His Journey From Project Management To Farm Management Read More »

Haritaki Gomutra – The Versatile Ayurvedic Compound

Haritaki Gomutra is a broad spectrum medicine and useful in treating variety of diseases. It is a classical medicine and described in ancient Ayurvedic texts Charakasamhita, Sushrutasamhita, and Ashtangahridayam. The urine of Indian Cow has many therapeutic uses. Haritaki (or Terminalia Chebula) is also a very well-known and effective medicinal herb. This combination effectively gives …

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The Most Incredible Beings on Earth – Dung Beetles

Egyptians worshipped a sun god named Khepri, with a head of scarab and body of a human. The scarab is a dung beetle belonging to ‘Scarab’aeidae family. Because the female beetles lay their eggs in a ball of rolled dung, the young scarabs’ seemingly spontaneous emergence from the earth, associated them with transformation and manifestation. …

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Converting Vish (Poison) To Amrit (Elixer) as per Ayurveda, Using Gaumutra

It is cited in the treatises of Ayurveda that by the use of proper method of processing, viṣh (poison) can be converted into amṛta (nectar) and on other hand on adoption of inappropriate methods, nontoxic materials can become toxic.The methodolgy is called ‘Shodhana’ or the process of purification. As in the table below, most of …

Converting Vish (Poison) To Amrit (Elixer) as per Ayurveda, Using Gaumutra Read More »

It Is Simpler To Cure Sick Soils Than Sick People, Which Shall We Choose?

The title of this blog is a quote by Dr. Charles Northen, 1936 who built health from the ground up.Do you know that most of us today are suffering from certain dangerous diet deficiencies which cannot be remedied until the depleted soils from which our foods come are brought into proper mineral balance?_____________________________________________________________________”The alarming fact …

It Is Simpler To Cure Sick Soils Than Sick People, Which Shall We Choose? Read More »