Haritaki Gomutra is a broad spectrum medicine and useful in treating variety of diseases. It is a classical medicine and described in ancient Ayurvedic texts Charakasamhita, Sushrutasamhita, and Ashtangahridayam.

The urine of Indian Cow has many therapeutic uses. Haritaki (or Terminalia Chebula) is also a very well-known and effective medicinal herb. This combination effectively gives relief in diseases due to vitiation of Vata (Vata Roga) and Kapha (Kapha Rog). Indications: – Diseases of oral cavity/mouth disease, – Gout, rheumatism and similar conditions – Digestive weakness, constipation and slow intestinal motility- Helps in easy evacuation of bowel- Arsha or piles (Haemorrhoids)- Pandu or anemia, – Shoth or Oedema and inflammation disorders – Skin diseases, – Worm infestation Dose: ¼ to ½ teaspoon of powder along with water, twice daily after food. Method of Storage: Stored in airtight container in dry place. Shelf life: 6 months Desi Cows for Better India Trust is distributing these freely in hospitals, monastries and other charitable institutions or at cost of Rs.30/- per bottle for a minimum quantity is 100 bottles. For inquiries contact 7676165165 or write to gavyasiddha@gmail.com