Prashant Darshi, software engineer with 15 years of experience, has worked with some of the best companies in the US including Fidelity and Sapient. He grew up in a humble family where cows were an essential part of home and village ecosystem. He always cherished the memories of playing with Ongole cows and their calves as he grew up drinking their milk

Some where in his mind the wish of reliving the childhood experiences with cows had been dormant which erupted with the first opportunity and support he got from his better half Urmila Parihar. When he returned from USA in 2018, he took up gau seva and developed a workable and economically sustainable model. The journey was full of challenges and had to be managed in extremely limited resources.
He had two simple goals:A. To provide his two daughters, family and society with pure desi cow milk which has become very difficult as milk adulteration is extremely common.B. Do something towards betterment of desi cow breeds which are in critically endangered state.
The above two goals led to two projects – 1. Zebu Breeding and conservation 2. Desi-organics

As part of Zebu Breeding and Conservation LLP, Prashant and his good friend Rohit Khandelwal created a roadmap to work on the rare, Red Sindhi cattle breed. They use modern breeding techniques like ETT, sex sorted semen and selective breeding. They aim to provide regular farmers with certified and pedigree Red Sindhi cows with their performance details and from there onward farmers can pick up the baton as end of the day breed can be saved by ground level farmers alone.
As part of Desi-organics they share the awesome goodness of Pure Desi cow milk and ghee with like minded folks in the society with a goal to improve the health of society through gau seva.

You can schedule a visit and experience the following: 1. Own 100% Desi Cows that are stress free and happy 2. No oxytocin used for milking or adulterants in milk. 3. No pesticides and chemicals in fodder as fodder is grown using Jeevamrit4. Ample grazing land for cows as being in the sun is vital for health of the desi cows. It is indeed good news for people in Dwarka region of NCR where such pure A2 milk is being made available. As far as pricing goes, we feel it is a steal at Rs.90/- per litre. Prashant is encouraging the neighboring farmers to adopt natural farming practices with the desi cows at the centre of it all. We wish him all the best for his endeavors.