My grand father used to say – “May you always spend” – since you would spend only if you are prosperous, so indirectly he wished us great prosperity. My mother, however says – “May you always give” – she insists on spending but not for self – but the well being of others. Undoubtedly, most of the world has taken my grandfather’s advise as we are (proudly) a highly consumerist world today, but how much of our spending is really meaningful or even needed? I believe that only a few people realize the importance of “daan” in the sustainable existence of society and the profound psychological, spiritual and even the materialistic gains the giver or ‘daani’ gets! Akshaya Tritiya, is one such occasion when the cosmos aligns in such a way that what ever we do multiplies itself thousand folds. While scriptures intended it as motivation to give, the selfish consumerist of today see it as an opportunity to multiply their hoarding.

“Daan” cannot be done by the rich or affluent, it can only be done by those who believe that they are so. A person who gives has the pre-requisite belief that he has enough and is grateful so much so that he wants to share. So, naturally the giver or ‘daani’ is greater than anyone. History holds King Bali or Karna in highest respect because of this attribute alone. Contemporary times also, Bill Gates will be remembered more than Steve Jobs because of his philanthropy and not who built a larger company. According to ones desire, the following ‘daan’ can be considered on Akshaya Tritiya day: 1. Sesame Seeds – Til Daan2. Bed or mattress – Shaya Daan 3. Clothes or Slippers – Vastra Daan 4. Fodder – Go Gras Daan 5. Cow – Go Daan Remember, whoever the daan is made to, should be needy and use it optimally, and not intend to (re)sell it. At Desi Cows for Better India Trust, we do accept Go Daan but not for our NGO. We have a database of farmers or wives of farmers who have committed suicide, who want to include desi cow as part of their family and optimally use her dung and urine for natural farming and greening the earth. Go Gras Daan for a month costs Rs.1500/- is not used for maintenance of our goshala cows but it goes to needy goshalas who are still not self-sustainable. To make a donation on the occasion of Akshaya Trithiya, the Trust can make special arrangements so that the ‘daan’ reaches the needy on the same day. Call +91 7676 165165 for requests. Donations can be made online through or donated to the account details mentioned on Wish you a very happy Akshaya Tritiya. May your tribe grow!